Program information
St. Patrick Elementary School offers a BILINGUAL PROGRAM of French and English in all three cycles. Subjects taught in French are French as a second language, social sciences (geography and history), science and visual art. English language arts, math, physical education, outdoor education and music are taught in English. Literacy is taught in many different ways such as phonemic awareness, word study, leveled books and conferencing. Numeracy is introduced to students through manipulatives, workbooks, word problems and real life situations. Formative and summative assessment tools are both important components implemented at St. Patrick Elementary in guiding student learning. Teachers collaborate across grade levels aligning the curriculum and creating logical steps within their planning, teaching and evaluative processes.
St. Patrick Elementary School is proud to offer a violin program for elementary aged students. Starting in Grade 3, students learn the violin and perform in a concert, on their instruments, at the end of the school year. All grade levels have music as one of their specialty subjects. Our kindergarten, grade 1 and 2 students prepare for and perform a vocal and choreographed presentation during the second term. Our school choir is an extra-curricular activity offered to our students in grades 3 through 6. Another extra-curricular program which supports the arts is our annual school play which is presented in the springtime. Productions are always student-led and student focused. A team of teachers and staff help with all aspects of the play making it a true community effort.
Since 2013-2014, St. Patrick Elementary has increased weekly physical activity by adding an outdoor education program in which all students, from kindergarten through grade 6, receive instruction in outdoor education activities, taking advantage of local parks, ski trails and skating rinks, not to mention our very own backyard. Our students participate regularly in our school board’s ultimate frisbee, handball, cross country running, basketball, indoor soccer, volleyball and track & field tournaments throughout the school year. Our physical education program teaches skill development in our early grades leading up to varying team and individual sports in cycles 2 and 3. An intra-mural program during the lunch hour allows students to get involved in team sports in a non-competitive manner.
Student Exit Profile
Students will leave St. Patrick Elementary School:
- Confident and competent in reading, writing and communicating in both English and French.
- With an ability to be a critical thinker and to apply problem solving skills to all subject areas.
- Able to use technology as a learning tool and to become a responsible digital citizen.
- With an appreciation and understanding of the arts which encompasses musical instruments, performance and visual arts.
- Respectful towards others and able to work collaboratively.
- With an understanding of the importance of health and fitness and living a healthy lifestyle.
St. Patrick Virtues Program
The St. Pat’s Virtues Program is a school-wide initiative that teaches and promotes essential characteristics that we feel each student should be encouraged to practice every day. We expect our student community to be a RESPECTFUL group of RESPONSIBLE children who become independent as they learn and participate in all aspects of school life.
Generosity, Kindness, Acceptance, Courage, Fairness, and Honesty are the main Virtues that we focus on during school assemblies throughout the year. In units spanning several weeks, students in different grade levels work with their teachers and support staff to define these virtues and work towards creating a school-wide assembly where they pass on their understanding of each virtue to their school mates. Students are expected to lead school assemblies focusing on a chosen virtue. As a school, we teach and promote many virtues and strive to weave these important character traits into the tapestry of our school community. These virtues work to become a framework for how our students and our entire school community collaborate, participate and move through each activity and event throughout all the days of our school year.
Each term, one student per homeroom class is chosen to be honoured as an example of a St. Pat’s student who best demonstrates the virtues introduced throughout the year. There are many students who are leaders in our school that show strong judgement, are respectful and are responsible – they embody the virtues that strengthen a community and create a safe and caring school environment. Our aim is to build a community of well-rounded students who practice these important virtues as they move through their years at St. Patrick Elementary