Parent Information

Dress Code

Although St. Patrick School does not have a dress uniform, we do have a dress code that includes the following:

  • Dress in a neat, clean and sensible fashion.
  • Dress appropriately for the weather.
  • Always have one pair of running shoes for indoors and PE which must remain at school, and a separate pair of shoes or boots for outdoors.
  • Wear shoes at all times in school.
  • Come to PE wearing shorts/jogging pants, T-shirt and running shoes.
  • Only wear tops that have appropriate symbols and language.
  • Tops must cover the midriff.
  • Undergarments must not be visible.
  • Hats or bandanas are not to be worn inside the school.

Parents are responsible to:

  • Furnish students with clean, appropriate clothing, including 2 pairs of shoes.
  • Supervise what students wear to school and make sure it is in line with our dress code and weather conditions.
  • Label all clothing.